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Collection of DUI Videos
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Video 01
Mouth Alcohol Resulting in 303 mg/100mls Apparent BAC
Video taken during controlled alcohol testing. Subject with well-documented true blood alcohol concentration between 116 and 120 mgs/100mls blows 303 mgs/100 mls as a result of mouth alcohol bias. Mouth alcohol detection algorithm fails to flag phenomenon
Video 02
Instrument Crash Solved by Shaking, Banging, and Tweaking
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Second start. Instrument crashes again during start-up diagnostic RAM Check 2 error. Operator solves problem by tilting, shaking, banging, wiggling wires. Instrument resumes diagnostic and prints "Diagnostic OK". I
Video 03
Instrument RAM CHECK 2 Crash on Startup Diagnostics
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Intrument crashes during start-up diagnostics check following warm up "Not Ready". Operator attempts pressing Green "Start" button. Red "Power" button eventually turns instrument off. Pressing red "Power" button do
Video 07
Stand-Alone Diagnostic Crash Results in "Diagnostic Passed" Test Card
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Following two prior crashes but completion of start-up diagnostic, operator enters Esc Esc D to conduct stand-alone diagnostic check. Instrument crashes again at RAM CHECK 2 leaving test card in printer. Operator s
Video 08
Limonene24 - Low and High Cal. Checks - Lowering 0 - Contamination of Cal Checks
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. 100 alcohol standard at 34 C. Exposure to mixture of room temperature 50 alcohol standard and GOJO containing limonene bubbled into breath tube during air blanks plus GOJO on hands near flask air entry. After initi
Video 09
Limonene30 - Low & High Cal. Checks Caused by Limonene
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Experiments with GOJO hand cleaner containing limonene partially dissolved in cold 50 mg/100mls alcohol standard bubbled into breath tube during some air blanks. Effects on cal. checks with 200 alcohol standard. So
Video 10
Limonene31 - High Cal. Checks Caused by Limonene
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. 100 alcohol standard at 34C. Note high cal. checks on ACACA and ACABA sequences. Calibration check system (sample chamber, interferent detect/subtract/add circuitry, tubing, simulator, or standard) has been comprom
Video 11
Limonene25 - High Cal. Checks - Limonene
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. 100 alcohol standard at 34 C. Prior exposure to mixture of room temperature 50 alcohol standard and GOJO containing limonene bubbled into breath tube during air blanks plus GOJO on hands near flask air entry. ACACA
Video 12
Original66 0581 - RFI during B - Phantom Alcohol 13, 8, 0, 0, 11 readings
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Instrument in ABA (Using EscEsc B) and ACABA mode. Print inhibit on. 100 alcohol standard at 34.0C . RFI applied at various positions at back of instrument during B in sequence. RFI from two Cobra walkie-talkies Ch
Video 13
Original66 0580 RFI Causing Phantom Alcohol Readings During B - 18, 11, 0, 9
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Instrument in ABA (Using EscEsc B) and ACABA mode. Print inhibit on. 100 alcohol standard at 34.0C . RFI applied at various positions at back of instrument during B in sequence. RFI from two Cobra walkie-talkies Ch
Video 14
Original66 0578a - RFI Causing Phantom Alcohol During B - INVALID SAMPLE, 0, 18, 13, 7, INVALID SAMPLE
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Instrument in ABA (Using EscEsc B) and ACABA mode. Print inhibit on. 100 alcohol standard at 34.0C . RFI applied at various positions at back of instrument during B in sequence. RFI from two Cobra walkie-talkies Ch
Video 15
Limonene1 Cal. Checks 103, 81, 96, 85, 111, 105
Experiment to explore the effects of a hand cleaner such as GOJO containing limonene in the ambient air respecting reliability of the alcohol standard. 100 SAS in simulator at 34.0C. Operator runs ACACA mode. Cal. check drops from 103 to 81, 96, 85 when h
Video 16
ProcessorErrors 0030d Ambient Threshold Varies with Ambient Conditions
Main simulator has 100 SAS at 34.0C. This video is a sequel to two longer videos. Experiment using cold extra simulators at 40 mgs/100mls and 100 mgs/100mls gradually warmed to simulate slow changes in ambient ethanol in room air. Instrument does not trig
Video 17
RAMCheck2 0019 RFI Causing 011 to 014, 010, 007, 000, 022 to 027, 022, 024 to 029, can't clear AIR BLANK, 000
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Intoxilyzer® is a registered trademark of CMI, Inc. Instrument in ACACACACACA mode. Print inhibit on. No simulator, no source of ethanol or interferent. RFI from two Cobra walkie-talkies Channel 3 00 used, one tran
Video 18
RAMCheck2 0020 RFI Causing Ambient Fail, Unstable Reference, Ambient Fail, 000,000,010 to 065, 075, Air Blank Won't Clear
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Instrument in ACACACACACA mode. Print inhibit on. No simulator, no source of ethanol or interferent. RFI from two Cobra walkie-talkies Channel 3 00 used, one transmitting, another receiving, so you can hear when "T
Video 19
RAMCheck2 0018, Zero Compromised by RFI, 011-014,000,007,000,022,Can't Clear Air Blank 024-029
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Intoxilyzer� is a registered trademark of CMI, Inc. Instrument in ACACACACACA mode. Print inhibit on. No simulator, no source of ethanol or interferent. RFI from two Cobra walkie-talkies Channel 3 00 used, one tran
Video 20
Stardate254508 0005 Apparently Normal ACABA But No Keyboard Attached
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Keyboard completely detached. However, operator runs ACABA subject test that appears normal and produces Intoxilyzer Test Record. Intoxilyzer� is a registered trademark of CMI, Inc. The Intoxilyzer� 5000C is an "ap
Video 21
Stardate254508 0001 Passed Diagnostics Test on 25/45/08
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Instrument runs start-up diagnostics following Not Ready warm-up and passes start-up diagnostics but shows date as "25/45/08". Keyboard or keyboard controller board is defective and detached as can be seen from han
Video 22
Stardate254508 0003 5 Stand-alone Cal. Checks on 25/45/08
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Keyboard or keyboard controller or battery defective and so keyboard detached. Instrument, however, runs 5 acceptable stand-alone cal. checks indicating no errors. Operator using ACA dip switch since keyboard detac
Video 23
Stardate254508 0002 25/45/08 Date Corrected by Dip Switches
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Operator cannot correct date error using keyboard so uses dip switches at side of instrument to reset date. Instrument returns to idle loop ready for cal. check or subject test. Intoxilyzer� is a registered tradema
Video 24
ProcessorErrors 0010 Operation Appears Normal But Instrument Crashed Earlier
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Following "Processor Errors" crash, re-start , stand-alone varying cal. checks, operator adjusts dip switch to put instrument back into ACABA mode. Instrument is ready for breath test. Excellent air blank 000, cal.
Video 26
ProcessorErrors 0008 - Unstable Instruments - Operator Destroys Evidence of Bad Cal. Checks
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. After Processor Error crash 0004 and re-start 0005, cal. checks (stand-alone "Start" test button after changing dip switch) show instrument and/or simulator are still unstable with very different cal. checks and on
Video 27
ProcessorErrors 0009 - Acceptable Cal. Checks? - Notwithstanding Earlier Crash and Bad Cal Check in 0008
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Follows processor errors crash, re-start, and bad cal. check 0008. Operator now runs further stand-alone cal. checks obtaining 96 and 103, two results within 90 to 110 range. Operator now feels its is safe to bring
Video 28
ProcessorErrors 0004 - Startup Crash - High and Fluctuating DVM
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. After "Not Ready" warm up period instrument crashes at "Processor Check" indicating "Processor Errors" and immediately goes into DVM mode indicating high and fluctuating DVM values. Sample chamber is probably conta
Video 29
RAMCheck2 0008 - Instrument Prints Card - but No Simulator or SAS
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Operator runs two groups of stand-alone cal. checks with no simulator attached. Cal. checks at .00. However, instrument prints test cards notwithstanding no simulator, no alcohol standard, no temperature maintenanc
Video 30
RAMcheck2 0007 - Normal Breath Test Card Produced Notwithstanding 3 Prior Crashes
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. Following 3 crashes, two rectified by shaking and banging machine, operator enters Esc Esc B breath test sequence. Subject test completed producing Intoxilyzer Test Record as evidentiary "proof" that instrument is
Video 31
ProcessorErrors 0005 - Diagnostics "OK"? - Indicated Following 0004 Startup Crash
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance is re-started using Red start button following crash during prior start-up 0004. Instrument runs through start-up diagnostics and indicates "Diagnostics OK" notwithstanding immediately prior crash and high/drifting
Video 44
Toronto Lawyer Stephen Biss Explains Effects of RFI from Cell Phones
Mississauga Toronto Ontario lawyer Stephen R. Biss speaks about the effect of cell phones on the reliability of the evidentiary breath instruments used in Ontario Canada. Radio frequency interference from a transmitting Nokia 3500 cell phone causes an app
Video 47
Intoxilyzer 5000 64 series in Ontario
The Intoxilyzer 5000C evidentiary breath testing instrument used in Ontario, Canada is an Intoxilyzer 5000 product number 564. The 64 series model uses technology from the 1980's. The 5000 64 series was replaced in the United States in the 1990's by the 6
Video 59
Cell Phone RFI Error Range Exceeded Variable Cal Check 66 Series
The Intoxilyzer® 5000C is an approved instrument in Canada. The IIntoxilyzer® 5000 66 series is one generation beyond the 5000C which is a 64 series. Instrument subjected to cell phone transmission during cal. check and during subject test results in BAC o
Video 60
Cell Phone RFI Error Subject Test 012 EN Series
The Intoxilyzer® 5000C is an "approved instrument" in Canada. The Intoxilyzer® 5000EN is two generations beyond the Intoxilyzer® 5000C. Instrument accepts sample and generates test card showintg a BAC of 12 mg/100mls from subject with 0 mg/100mls BAC. The
Video 64
Do cell phones that are receiving only, not transmitting, cause radio frequency interference to scientific instruments such as evidentiary breath testing equipment? An Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance is used to conduct an ACABA breath test using a
Video 65
Does receiving a text message in a breath room interfere with calibration checks conducted by a breath alcohol technician before and during evidentiary breath testing? Nokia 3500 cell phone receives text messages during calibration checks. Using 100 solut
Video 66
If a text message is received by an idle cell phone in a breath room, could it affect Intoxilyzer results? This video suggests that there needs to be more study on this issue since clearly in this video a subject with 000 BAC managed to blow 122 mg/100mls